I want my character to be proficient in nothing in particular and learn things but maybe that's just me. Wish the character creation just came out and told you rather than making it guess work. Does anyone have the list of starting attributes for character creation, or is there any way of viewing the game files to extract that info? It's annoying because it's almost right, I've tweaked a few values to match what actually happens in 3.51 for example I read on two different places for 3.4 at least that 'a loss of a loved one' gives a +1 to surgery when it is in fact first aid instead, and adventurer seems to give a +1 weapons training where it's not even mentioned anywhere I've read. One thing though, I've looked up all the starting stats online but it seems it's not entirely accurate for PoP-3.51. Should be quite handy for people deciding on a new character and team.
Do not do this with a large army if you dont have a companion with a lot of pathfinding or arent 0 relations with them yet, because the noldor squads are small and extremely fast. I've put in a character creation script thingy into the spreadsheet with potential points from books, it kinda works based on what someone else had done (outdated) with the companions combo and stats. Mount And Blade Companions Combination Dragging lords into the noldor squads can also be a great way to easily get max relations with them if you persist.